Humane Bird Control & Removal


Bird Control

One of the most ever-present animals on this planet are birds; it is no news that they outnumber humans by billions. A bit of advice from Critter Capture Jackson is that an area that seems to be free of birds may be a terrible place for both humans, plants, and animals.

Bird and man 

Furthermore, birds are essential to humans irrespective of city, suburban, or country life. The vast number of birds in the world is just one of the saving reasons humans still exist on this planet.

However, while birds possess lots of helpful; traits and perform numerous benefits to the ecosystem, they can also be troublesome to man. And unless you have experienced bird troubles, you cannot just begin to understand how nasty and problematic they can be around the properties.

Common bird species beside you

There are about ten thousand species of birds around the world, with a lot of them in America. And if you live in Jackson, Mississippi, Louisiana, or similar regions, then you are in the territory of any of these popular species;

  • Carolina Wren, 
  • Northern Cardinal
  • Mourning Dove 
  • Blue Jay
  • Red-Bellied Woodpecker
  • Tufted Titmouse
  • Carolina Chickadee
  • Northern Mockingbird

What are the signs of bird infestation?

Determining you have a bird problem is usually the easy part; the hard part is “what to do about such issues. And for a problem of infestation, please seek professional services to avoid legal or competency troubles.

Birds are so comfortable and confident around the human settlement that they do not need to hide their infestation. Visit to learn more about bird control.

While birds hardly chew their way into the homes, they will likely find other means to nest in your home if it’s cozy and dark. Some of the signs that you have birds in your house are;

  1. A colony on your roof or other high places

Their non-challenge for flight and landing makes birds prone to settling on high and challenging to reach areas. One visible way to know you have a bird problem is leisurely catching them on the top of roofs, ledges, and so on.

  1. Loud noises

There are bird species available, and depending on the type on your property, you will be disturbed by eerie, piercing, or chirping noises. Birds are chief noisemakers and can make throat sounds for the flimsiest reasons.

While some may have melodious voices, it can be unpleasant if you are not in the mood for music.

  1. Bird Droppings

It can be very annoying to see bird droppings in the arctic, entrances, or areas that “should be clean.” While these droppings may serve an excellent organic purpose in the gardens, it doesn’t mean that they are welcome everywhere.

  1. Bird nests and nesting materials

Once a colony decides to make a tree, area, roof, ledge, or any part of their home, it is best to believe they are coming with the building materials. It is common to find their nesting materials and numerous annoying nest shapes around trees.

Damage caused by Birds

Birds can contaminate, destroy stored produce, feed on anything, and occasionally nose-dive your windows.

  • Wire sagging

Since birds prefer to rest mid-air in high areas like utility lines, roofs, and so on, they can cause sagging for such utility. Depending on their numbers/activity on the top, they can also cause structural damage such as utility.

  • Destruction to gardens

Perhaps one of the biggest menaces of birds is how wasteful and greedy they can be to the garden> Fruit birds will bore their beak and the juicy part of the fruits, leaving a considerable chunk to rot and waste. 

Farmers lose billions to bird destruction each year in the world. 

  • Diseases

Birds migrate and travel far and wide, most times being seasonal creatures. This means that they are effective carriers/spreaders of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. It is also common for them to shed the smaller pests in their bodies when they travel from place to place.

Critter Capture

Removing/expelling birds from your property, garden, or farms is a very grueling task. It is often best to contact professional services to remove, prevent and even restore the damages. Also, animal cruelty or illegal killing is a crime in these states, so it can be a tough job for DIY.

Some common methods for minor prevention and control are;

  • Using Shock tracks,
  • Flash tapes,
  • Predator decoys,
  • Bird netting
  • Using drones
  • Using bird spikes

We are here for you in Jackson, MS, to rid you of the unwanted and troublesome bird colony.

bird in a trap

How to Remove Birds from the Attic?

Birds are one of the most common urban animals, meaning that you might find one or two outside your home at any given time. Unfortunately, those one or two might also be living locally – i.e., in your attic, a place that’s a great shelter for just about any bird.

Although they might not seem too important to remove from your attic as soon as possible, it’s important that you do. When dealing with any animal in your attic, things can go south quickly, and any situation can end up backfiring if not taken care of well. Birds carry diseases, corrode countless materials with their droppings, and can attract other animals like snakes, if not taken care of quickly.

Fortunately, birds are also one of the easiest animals to keep out of your attic. With just a few minutes and a few supplies, you can quickly turn your attic back into a safe place to do whatever you please. So, without further ado, how do you remove birds from the attic?

Getting Ready

The first thing you need to do is ensure that there are just birds in your attic – although that might sound like a given thing, it’s really important, nonetheless. Birds come in countless shapes and sizes and can bring with them gifts of countless shapes and sizes.

When dealing with anything in your attic, the first thing you need to do is ensure that you know what you’re messing with. If there are other animals than birds up there in your attic, then you’ll need to take extra steps to address each animal problem individually. If there are babies too, you might have to contact professional or local animal control to ensure you don’t accidentally kill the babies.

Looking around, make sure you note the entrances and locations where a bird might enter or live. Depending on the method you want to take to deal with birds, you’ll decide how many exits you want to cover. If you plan on trapping the birds for relocation, then seal all but one. If you want to use another, less up-close method, then leave them all open.

Removing Birds

Once you’ve chosen whether you want to trap the birds or simply scare them off, it’s time to get to the action. If you chose to go with a cage trap, then you’ll seal off all but one entrance/exit and set up the trap at the entrance, locking in the birds without harming them. Afterward, either ask a local professional for help or call animal control to find what the next, legal, step is.

Otherwise, there’s an oddly simple way to get rid of the birds: play loud music. Birds are social animals but sudden, loud music can quickly scare them away. Whether that’s via a Bluetooth speaker you leave in there one day or music played beneath, it doesn’t really matter. Either way, it needs to be loud and sudden, and once the birds are all out, then move on to seal the entrances. 

After Removing the Birds

After you’ve removed the birds, whether by cage trap or by loud music, it’s important to move their nest outside, carefully. If there are any eggs, be sure to take extra care when relocating it. If you go with the loud music approach, make sure to relocate the nest outside, letting the birds start from a midpoint in finding a new home, rather than forcing them to start over.

Either way, it’s important that once all the birds and nests are out, to clean and seal entrances. Remember, birds can carry dangerous pathogens and corrode attic materials, so professional cleanup is recommended. Whatever way you take, make sure that you’re careful and seal off everything well while keeping the entire space clean and safe.

Jacksons Critter Capturing Experts